Recent geotechnical works conducted by Northpoint at Cody Technology Park in Farnborough.
Site Investigation Farnborough – Working on a UKPN project for QinetiQ, Northpoint provided intrusive ground investigation and interpretive reporting for a proposed sub-terranean containerised structure within the Cody Technology Park complex.
Cody Technology Park is located near Farnborough Airport approximately 15km north of central London.
The technology park serves aerospace, research and development, and defence sectors.
The proposed containerised structure includes the placement of electrified apparatus and infrastructure to meet the continued growth of the complex.
Site Investigation Farnborough – included the placement of exploratory positions to assess the ground and groundwater conditions beneath the proposed structure. Positions extended to depths within the Camberley Sand Formation.
A geotechnical assessment was provided by our engineering consultancy team through the provision of a detailed GIR.